Identify Missing Descriptions

Descriptions are important to aid understanding of various objects in the OpenAPI spec.

Spectrum provides an ability to list operation parameters and schema properties with missing descriptions.

Missing Operation Parameter Descriptions

specmore := openapi3.SpecMore{Spec: spec}

// OperationPropertiesDescriptionStatus returns a
// map[string]map[string]int as a `mogo/maputil.MapStringMapStringInt`
// where `1` indicates with desc and `0` indicates without desc.
status := specmore.OperationPropertiesDescriptionStatus()

// OperationParametersDescriptionStatusCounts returns
// counts of operations with, without and all operations.
countWith, countWithout, countAll :=

// OperationParametersWithoutDescriptionsWriteFile
// will write the operationIds and param names to a file
err := specmore.OperationParametersWithoutDescriptionsWriteFile(

Missing Schema Property Descriptions

specmore := openapi3.SpecMore{Spec: spec}

// SchemaPropertiesDescriptionStatus returns a
// map[string]map[string]int as a `mogo/maputil.MapStringMapStringInt`
// where `1` indicates with desc and `0` indicates without desc.
status := specmore.SchemaPropertiesDescriptionStatus()

// SchemaPropertiesDescriptionStatusCounts returns counts of
// schema properties with, without and all operations.
countWith, countWithout, countAll :=

// SchemaPropertiesWithoutDescriptionsWriteFile
// will write the schema names and property names to a file
err := specmore.SchemaPropertiesWithoutDescriptionsWriteFile(