OpenAPI3Lint - Custom Rules

Ther eare two parttst of using custom rules:

  1. Custom Rule
  2. Custom Rule Collection

Simple rules can be used directly with the simple Rule Collection, RuleCollectionSimple, however, more complex rules can be built using custom Rule Collections. Complex rules allow multiple rule names to be used with a single rule definition, with the Rule Collection handling the instantiation.

Custom Rules

Custom rules are created using the Rule interface. After implementing aa custom rule, load it into a Policy to execute.

Use Policy.AddRule(rule Rule, errorOnCollision bool) to add a rule.

Rule Interface

A rule has the following interface:

type Rule interface {
    Name() string
    Scope() string
    Severity() string
    ProcessSpec(spec *oas3.Swagger, pointerBase string) *lintutil.PolicyViolationsSets
    ProcessOperation(spec *oas3.Swagger, op *oas3.Operation, opPointer, path, method string) []lintutil.PolicyViolation


  • Name() should return the name of a rule in kebab case.
  • Scope() should return the type of object / property operated on. This affects the processing function provided. As of now, operation and specfication are supported.
  • Severity() should return a syslog like severity level supported by This should be updated for the Policy used.
  • ProcessSpec(spec *oas3.Swagger, pointerBase string) is a function to process a rule at the top specfication level. pointerBase is used to provide JSON Pointer info before the #. This is executed when Scope() is set to specification.
  • ProcessOperation(spec *oas3.Swagger, op *oas3.Operation, opPointer, path, method string) is executed when Scope() is set to operation.

Rule Collection

type RuleCollection interface {
    Name() string
    RuleNames() []string
    RuleExists(ruleName string) bool
    Rule(ruleName string) (Rule, error)